Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Half a coach seat

My mom is a flight attendant for Delta Airlines so I have been fortunate enough to travel more than the average person. One of my favorite places to visit is Hawaii so my mom will fly lay overs to Hawaii every couple of months and let me tag along to take advantage of the free hotel room. This particular story is about my flight home one on one of those trips when I was about fifteen.
I got to my aisle seat and sat quietly waiting for the rest of the passengers to board, I was really hoping that no one would be sitting in the rest of the row so that I could stretch out and sleep. Unfortunately this was not the case, a very large woman stood beside me looking at her boarding pass and the row number, and informed me that she was in the seat next to mine. I moved so that she could get into her seat and get situated, as I sat back down she wiggled uncomfortably because the arm rest was going into her side. I should mention that as a non revenue passenger at this time I was required to wear dress clothes every time I flew and I was supposed to basically sit down and shut up and it was an unspoken rule that I could not ask for any special treatment or complain about my seat.
This woman probably weighed in at around 300 pounds give or take some so she asked me if I minded if she lifted the arm rest up. I was absolutely terrified, I didn't know if I was allowed to say no but I really didn't want to have to share my already small coach seat with another person. Without even waiting for my response she started to lift the arm rest, but at the same time my mom, the flight attendant for this flight walked by and abruptly pushed the arm rest back down and said "This needs to stay down the entire flight. Thanks" and smiled politely at the woman. The lady looked disheartened but I was so relieved. This all happened in a matter of minutes but had my mom not walked by right then I may have enjoyed seven hours of half a coach seat.

Monday, January 14, 2008

About me

My name is Jenni and I'm a sociology student at the University of Utah. I really don't care for school but I am in no hurry to finish, I think I'm a bit afraid of working full time. I have never had a blog before so I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to write about. In my spare time I like playing video games and watching movies.

What is a blog?

Blog is a shortened version of web log, they basically have become public diaries for people to express their opinions about things or just rant about nothing. Blogs have become a major issue in our society, I heard about some woman who complained about her bosses in a blog and she untimely lost her job because of what she had written in this blog.
I have never really been into reading peoples blogs, but this one was pretty interesting I liked how there are violations for specific things, but the "What the heck?!" violation was probably my favorite because I thought no one outside of Utah said "heck."
My favorite Web 2.0 app.... I still am trying to understand this idea of Web 2.0 but Wikipedia told me that it is a Web 2.0 application and if so then it's my favorite because I use it daily.